CROCUS Conference Beyond Site/Sight 2024
And a warm thank you, to all who participated and contributed to the BEYOND SITE/SIGHT conference, and to Helsingborg municipality and Region Skåne for the collaboration during the conference. The conference provided a forum for the themes of cultural spaces and the conditions of creativity, discussing placemaking, creative methods, bodies and materialities, policy and practice, eduction and border crossing educational collaborations, through panels, presentations and the artwork in the exhibition. We look forward to further collaborations with both existing and new contacts that were established during these highly rewarding days
To read an article about the conference, click here.
The CROCUS Conference BEYOND SITE/SIGHT Cultural Spaces and the Conditions of Creativity
The cross-disciplinary network CROCUS is inviting you to a conference around the theme of cultural spaces and the conditions of creativity. During the conference we will explore policies, digital and physical places and platforms for culture and creativity as well as performance and play. The point of departure will be placemaking.
The aim of the conference is to:
- Understand the aesthetics and the role of materiality, emotions, bodies, and senses to reach an understanding of transformations beyond restrictions by reason and measure.
- Capture affects, ambiances, experiences, and the tacit knowledge, embedded in spaces and places of transformation with regards to innovation, co-creation, and sustainability.
- Enhance knowledge and understanding of activities, practices, models, methods, and tools for and within creative eco-systems.
- Facilitate flows of creative processes, value-creating processes, value-creating resources, and circular supply chains to gain new knowledge of how cultural and creative practices and industries can relate to dynamic and sustainable urban spaces and environments.
The conference is arranged in collaboration between the CROCUS network, Helsingborg municipality and Region Skåne and held at Brandstationen and Dunker’s Cultural Center in Helsingborg. CROCUS focuses on cultural and creative industries aiming to create a dynamic and living environment that strengthens both research and education. Hence, this event addresses researchers, artists and practitioners in culture, creativity, and the arts to blur the borders between art, design, architecture, social science, and the humanities to produce objects and forms that could be vectors of scientific inquiry, mediation with different stakeholders at a wider scale.
The first day of the conference focuses on research and research methods, the second day of the conference focuses on policy and application and the third day focuses on education and cross disciplinary possibilities for education.
Register to the conference is now closed. We are looking forward meeting you.
DAY ONE 12 June 2024
CROCUS network members are invited to Brandstationen and Vagnhall 16 in Helsingborg for a half day focusing on creativity, creative methods, and method development. Join research colleagues from different disciplines for round tables, research presentations, art exhibitions and experimentation around the themes PLACEMAKING AND POSITIONING – conditions and concepts, PLACEMAKING AS PERFORMANCE – bodies and materiality and PLACEMAKING AS PLAY - models and formats.
Location: Brandstationen, Helsingborg, Sweden
Cecilia Fredriksson, Lund University
Cecilia Fredriksson, Lund University.
13:15 POINTS OF DEPARTURE – on the understanding of placemaking
What can local cases tell us about the different logics and practices of placemaking?
Dennis Kerkhof, Helsingborg City; Kirsti Mathiesen Hjemdahl, Cultiva Foundation; Natalia Bobadilla, LABEX ICCA.
Moderator: Marie Ledendal, Lund University.
14:00 Break
14:30 PLACEMAKING AND POSITIONING – conditions and concepts
Placemaking is a broad and contested field of knowledge. How is its current condition? What ambiguities surround placemaking and how can they be understood?
Philip Warkander, University of Borås; Andrew Karvonen and Lisa Högdahl, Lund University.
Moderator: Per-Johan Dahl, Lund University.
15:20 Break
15:50 PLACEMAKING AS PERFORMANCE – bodies and materiality
How do bodies and materiality relate to the spatial? How can concepts, imaginaries and practices pertaining to placemaking, and performativity unfold and be understood?
Charlotte Østergaard, Gunnar Sandin and Lizette Gradén, Lund University.
Moderator: Jörgen Dahlqvist, Lund University.
16:40 Break
17:00 PLACEMAKING AS PLAY – models and formats
How can examples of placemaking be approached by playing with formats and models? How can different artistic and research-based methods challenge the taken for granted by introducing and experimenting with different forms of expressions, with different models and formats?
Halla Stefánsdóttir, Iury Trojaborg, Sima Wolgast and Steinunn Knútsdóttir, Lund University.
Moderator: Robert Willim, Lund University.
Buffet, drinks, and entertainment in the company of Helsingborg municipality, Region Skåne and their European partner networks.
22.00 Free veteran bus service back to city centre.
DAY TWO 13 June 2024
Focusing on policy and practice Helsingborg municipality and Region Skåne invite civil servants, CROCUS network members, politicians, and practitioners in the cultural and creative sectors to Dunkers kulturhus in Helsingborg for a full day of dialogue, keynote speakers and possibilities for future collaborations. CROCUS will contribute to the programme with research pitches and show cases.
Location: Dunker's cultural center
9:00 EUROPEAN CREATIVE ECONOMY CONFERENCE 2024 - research, policy and business
Analysis show that there is a lack of entrepreneurship and transversal skills in a number of areas in the cultural and creative industries, as well as limited collaboration between researchers and businesses. Interaction between clusters in the cultural field and innovation actors is insufficient, and there is often a lack of creative and artistic competence in important social development processes. What does a functioning CCI ecosystem look like? And how do we create the interaction needed between different sectors and skills in order to contribute to a sustainable society?
The European Creative Economy Conference 2024 is arranged in co-operation between Creative FED, Region Skåne, Helsingborg City and Lund University. Meet researchers, policymakers, companies, support organizations and decision makers from all over Europe for a full day of dialogue, keynote speakers and possibilities for future collaborations.
All sessions are held at Dunkers cultural center.
For more information and the full program of this day see the following link.
Jenny Kornmacher, Region Skåne; Ola Jacobson, Helsingborg City; Gerin Trautenberger, ECBN/Creative FED LOCAL ECOSYSTEM PARTNERSHIPS.
9:25 Politics – What’s going on? What needs to be done? Local, regional,
national, and international level
Fredrik Sjögren, Region Skåne; Alexander Kolind, Helsingborg City; Barbara Stacher, DG EAC, European Commission; Josean Urdangarin, Basque Government.
9:45 How can creatives help to reshape local areas and create functioning ecosystems?
Ekaterina Travkina, OECD Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Regions, and Cities.
10:20 Break
11:00 CROCUS Network
Cecilia Fredriksson, Jörgen Dahlqvist, Katja Lindqvist, Ida de Wit Sandström, Marie Ledendal, Lund University.
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Cases of local ecosystem partnerships
Peter Lübeck, Game Habitat; Kirsti Mathiesen Hjemdahl and Mads Hatlevik, Cultiva Foundation and Kraftverk; Bjarke Pedersen, Boost Hbg Film Innovation Platform; Kristian Riis, Danish Creative Industries (by Volcano); Bahanur Nasya, Wonderland – Platform for European Architecture.
14.30 Break
15.00 Helsingborg and Skåne Skills Partnership
Josean Urdangarin, Basque Government; Mats Hallberg, Helsingborg City; Ruth Mayoral, KSIgune European Perspectives for Digital and Green Transition.
15.15 Bringing EU perspectives to local ecosystems
Gisa Schosswohl, SACCORD; David Crombie, Cyanotypes; Adriënne Heijnen and Marianne Ping Huang, CRAFT-IT4SD; Florian Schneider, PACESETTERS; Gerin Trautenberger, GreenCIrcle; Marko Popovic, Label4Future; Charlotte Gimfalk, AV Growth; Jouke Verlinden, Tracks 4 Crafts.
16.30 EIT Culture and Creativity
Ambra Trotto, Director of Transformation and RIS, EIT Culture and Creativity.
17.15 Guided swim in the Öresund. Bring swimwear!
Drinks and informal buffet dinner in Brandstationen’s penthouse (Brandchefens våning). Eat, drink, and enjoy our exhibition area.
Location: Brandstationen, Helsingborg, Sweden
In the evening CROCUS network members are invited back to Brandstationen and Vagnhall 16 for a bar mingle.
DAY THREE 14 June 2024
Focusing on education and border crossing educational collaborations CROCUS network members are invited to Brandstationen in Helsingborg for a half day of presentations, round tables and workshops.
Location: Brandstationen, Helsingborg, Sweden
09:00 EDUCATION BEYOND SIGHT/SITE – current and coming
Cecilia Fredriksson, Lund University.
09:15 Combining Knowledge.
Bridging PhD Theses and Diploma Works through Artistic Research in Architecture
Per-Johan Dahl, Gunnar Sandin and Sandra Kopljar, Lund University.
10:00 Break
10:30 Redesigning music education: adapting to new technologies
Daniel Nordgård, CreaTeMe.
11:00 20 years of teaching cultural and creative industries and a pathway towards transformative education
Mariangela Lavanga, Erasmus University Rotterdam.
Jörgen Dahlqvist and Katja Lindqvist, Lund University.
12:00 Lunch
All sessions are held in Brandstationen’s penthouse (Brandchefens våning).
Register to the conference is now closed. We are looking forward meeting you.
The program is updated regularly and may be subject to change up until the conference.

Save-the-Date for CROCUS activities 2025
More information about next year's activities will be announced next year.
Until then, Happy Holidays!
For more information about events, see the page News from CROCUS.