Doctoral studies
Doctoral education in Service Studies at the department is interdisciplinary and focuses on services as an object of study. Research within this area concentrates on services in connection with interpersonal relationships and the cultural, economic, environmental, and social processes from which they are generated and on which they are based.
Research within Service Studies can include, but is not limited to, perspectives that investigate issues concerning the leadership and management of service operations, the production and consumption of services and their cultural, economic, environmental and social consequences, aspects of the spatial organisation of services, and communication issues that arise in connection with services.
Doctoral education in Service Studies is a scholarly response to the ongoing transformation of society, leading from an industrial to a service-oriented post-industrial mode of production. It interrogates and questions the economic, environmental, social and cultural implications of this transformation. However, the programme is also a response to the fact that there is currently a growing need to appreciate the cultural, economic, environmental, social, and spatial complexity of services. Against this background, the importance of a consolidated interdisciplinary focus on the study of services becomes all the more apparent.
Admission requirements
To be admitted to doctoral studies you must have completed courses of at least 240 credits, of which at least 60 credits must be from the Master’s level. Normally, students admitted to the programme hold a Bachelor’s degree and a Master’s degree, with a major in the same subject as the intended research studies.
Johan Alvehus
Director of Studies, PhD programme
Email:johan [dot] alvehus [at] ses [dot] lu [dot] se (johan[dot]alvehus[at]ses[dot]lu[dot]se)