Engaging in interdisciplinary research projects during and after my doctoral studies, my primary focus has been on exploring various aspects of retail and consumption within the context of the service society, from a sociocultural perspective. During these investigations, I have particularly recognized the significance of the dimensions of temporality, spatiality, materiality, and sensoriality, establishing mutually constitutive interrelationships with consumption practices. Employing a Practice Theory perspective, often combined with Actor Network Theory, Affect Theory, Phenomenology, and Feminist Theory, and utilizing visual ethnographic methods, I have conceptualized and empirically examined how retail, consumption, and service practices, in alliance with various technologies and devices, influence society, cities, and the environment at large, leading to the emergence and maintenance of interpersonal relations, commonalities, distinctions, tensions, cultural identities, and inequalities.
My teaching activities closely align with my research areas, covering a diverse range of subjects such as retailing, consumption, shopping, fashion, cultural analysis, entrepreneurship, spatiality, and markets within the context of a rapidly evolving social world and the ongoing development of the service society.
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Resurrecting the Ruins of Everyday Marketplaces
Devrim Umut Aslan
(2024) Ethnologia Scandinavica, 54 p.211-213
ReviewCan Future Shopping Experiences Be Present in the Past? The Case of a Local High Street
Ola Thufvesson, Devrim Umut Aslan
(2023) The Future of Consumption : How Technology, Sustainability and Wellbeing will Transform Retail and Customer Experience , p.359-372
Book chapterPraxitopia : Co-constituting a vibrant local street through shopping
Devrim Umut Aslan
Conference paper: abstractCommunities of Learning in Times of Student Solitude
Devrim Umut Aslan
(2020) Interdisciplinary pedagogy in higher education : Proceedings from Lund University's Teaching and Learning Conference 2019 , p.105-117
Book chapterRetail Destination : Centrum för handelsforskning vid Lunds universitet
Cecilia Fredriksson, Johan Anselmsson, Devrim Umut Aslan, Christian Fuentes, Lisa Källström, et al.
ReportMaking of a Community of Learning at the Times of Solitude
Devrim Umut Aslan
Conference paper: abstractModes of Shopping Constituting a Local Street: A video-ethnography of shopping as a practice
Devrim Umut Aslan
Conference paper: abstract"What “makes” local high streets meaningful? A video-ethnography of shopping practice at urban margin
Devrim Umut Aslan
Conference paper: abstractWhy Local Shopping Streets Matter : A visual ethnographic study of shopping activities
Devrim Umut Aslan
Conference paper: abstractSecondhand Index and the Spirit of Green Vintage Fashion
Cecilia Fredriksson, Devrim Umut Aslan
(2018) Palgrave Advances in Luxury , p.133-152
Book chapterShopping and Praxitopia : The Place of Local High Streets in Urban Space
Devrim Umut Aslan
Conference paper: abstractPast and Future Embedded in the Present : A Cultural History of a Local Shopping Street
Devrim Umut Aslan, Cecilia Fredriksson
Conference paper: abstractHandelsstad i förvandling: Stadsliv, konsumtion och digitalisering
Cecilia Fredriksson, Devrim Umut Aslan
(2017) Handelsstad i förvandling , p.7-18
Book chapterShopping på en lokal handelsgata
Devrim Umut Aslan
(2017) Handelsstad i Förvandling , p.61-71
Book chapterDen hållbara handelsstaden : Om konsten att hantera gröna konsumenter
Devrim Umut Aslan, Cecilia Fredriksson
(2017) Handelsstad i förvandling , p.111-122
Book chapterJakten på den perfekta julklappen
Devrim Umut Aslan, Cecilia Fredriksson
(2017) Handelsstad i förvandling , p.95-109
Book chapterHandelsstad i förvandling
BookMultikanalhandel i stadskärnan och dess utmaningar
Devrim Umut Aslan
(2017) Handelsstad i Förvandling , p.123-131
Book chapterChristmas shopping between city center, out-of-town mall and Internet
Devrim Umut Aslan
Conference - otherCompassing Sustainability/Mapping a green retail destination : On the art of managing green consumers
Devrim Umut Aslan, Cecilia Fredriksson
Conference - otherAtt utforska detaljhandels gränser i Helsingborgsregionen
Devrim Umut Aslan
(2015) Den forskande staden : 8 essäer om forskning, kultur och näringsliv i Helsingborg , p.31-44
Book chapterSecond-hand values and the production of ethical urban markets
Devrim Umut Aslan, Cecilia Fredriksson
Conference paper: abstractHow do consumers make the cultural geography of a 'low-end' street? : The case of Sodergatan: a high street at the urban margins
Devrim Umut Aslan
Conference paper: abstractRecording Consumer Practices : A Practical Application in Helsingborg
Devrim Umut Aslan
Conference paper