My research focuses on sustainability issues in urban planning and in development processes and services. I work with issues concerning mobility, transport and logistics within companies, organizations, regions, and municipalities. My research focuses mainly on urban ecosystem services, innovation in climate and environment, sharing services and circular resource flows, and the effects of urban tourism on green infrastructure. I am also active in several ongoing research projects such as: SHARE-North: Shared Mobility Solutions for a Liveable and Low-Carbon North Sea Region (Interreg North Sea Region):
Future Intelligent Mobility in Greater Copenhagen (FIMO) (Interreg Öresund-Kattegat-Skagerak):…
Rethinking urban tourism development: (FORMAS):…
I am currently working together with Värnamo municipality in a share North-related research project aiming to create innovative services in sustainable mobility and to develop value-creating ecosystem services when building new residential areas. I recently completed a project on the economic, climate and environmental effects of mass management, and a project on the biogas potential of biomass from green urban areas.
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Valuation of urban ecosystem services : A holistic approach on how to understand values in urban destination development
Michael Johansson
ReportUpplevelsens hållbara mikrogeografier : Att utveckla stadsrummet för att främja klimatanpassning och utveckling av urbana upplevelser
Michael Johansson, Jan-Henrik Nilsson
ReportParking for sustainable cities - How to understand innovative parking development
Michael Johansson
ReportParkering för den hållbara staden - Om lokala effekter i den offentliga miljön
Michael Johansson
ReportImportance of implementing sustainable streetscapes : Green urban nature-based solutions for resilient cities
Michael Johansson
Report300 testcyklister. Om attityder till att arbetspendla med cykel och dess potential i Helsingborg.
Michael Johansson, Georg Krüger
ReportEcosystem services for urban destination development : Potential for sustainability
Michael Johansson, Jan-Henrik Nilsson
(2022) Insights in Tourism , p.133-151
Book chapterHållbar samhällsplanering : Resvaneanalys och utvärdering av persontransporter i Värnamo kommun
Michael Johansson, Torleif Bramryd
ReportUtvärdering av FIMO-projektet - Future Intelligent Mobility
Michael Johansson, Torleif Bramryd
ReportHållbar urban turism Värdeskapande kulturella ekosystemtjänster i den gröna infrastrukturen
Michael Johansson, Jan-Henrik Nilsson
ReportDeveloping urban tourism in green infrastructure
Jan-Henrik Nilsson, Michael Johansson
Conference paper: abstractBiogaspotential från urbana gräsytor – Förstudie med Helsingborgs stad som case
Michael Johansson, Torleif Bramryd, Sven-Erik Svensson, Lars Törner, Widar Narvelo, et al.
Report"Klimat och miljö lockade mig"
Michael Johansson
(2020) 1666. 1999. 2000. 2020. Campus Helsingborg 20 år. , p.223-226
Book chapterShared Mobility as a tool for natural Ecosystem services in the new H+ housing development area in Helsingborg harbor : Creating urban eco zones favored by decreased parking space
Michael Johansson, Torleif Bramryd, Andreas Eriksson
ReportImpact of different waste management practises on global climate change.
Torleif Bramryd, Michael Johansson
Conference paper: abstractEngineered MSW landfills as a future material resource and a sink for long-term storage of organic carbon
Torleif Bramryd, Michael Johansson
(2020) IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 578
Conference paperExpansion of the Waste-Based Commodity Frontier: Insights from Sweden and Brazil
Jutta Gutberlet, Torleif Bramryd, Michael Johansson
(2020) Sustainability, 12 p.1-15
Journal articleHållbarhetsanalys av hushållsnära fettinsamlingssystem - Fallstudie av uppkopplat fettreturburksystem
Michael Johansson, Torleif Bramryd
ReportArtificial wetlands and irrigated vegetation for extraction of nutrients from residual solid wastes treated in landfill bioreactor cells – an important part of a circular economy.
Torleif Bramryd, Michael Johansson
(2018) Book of abstracts: Linnaeus ECO-TECH '18, 2018 , p.199-201
Conference paperImplementation of the ecosystem services approach in Swedish municipal planning
Per Schubert, Nils G.A. Ekelund, Thomas H. Beery, Christine Wamsler, K. Ingemar Jönsson, et al.
(2018) Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning, 20 p.298-312
Journal articleEnvironmental and efficiency evaluation of pre-stabilization techniques for solid wastes.
Torleif Bramryd, Michael Binder, Michael Johansson
(2017) Sustainable Landfilling
Book chapterEkosystemtjänstbegreppet–en historisk tillbakablick och den förväntade rollen i svensk miljöpolicy
Per Schubert, K. Ingemar Jönsson, Torleif Bramryd, Michael Johansson, Ebba Brink, et al.
(2017) YMER , p.213-237
Book chapterImplementering av ekosystemtjänstbegreppet i kommunal verksamhet - Slutrapport
K. Ingemar Jönsson, Nils G. A. Ekelund, Christine Wamsler, Ebba Brink, Thomas H. Beery, et al.
(2017) Naturvårdsverket
ReportHållbar mobilitet – Miljöstrategiska effekter på grönytor och ekosystemtjänster i samband med urbana förtätningsprocesser
Michael Johansson
DissertationPerceptions of the ecosystem services concept: Opportunities and challenges in the Swedish municipal context
Thomas Beery, Sanna Stålhammar, K. Ingemar Jönsson, Christine Wamsler, Torleif Bramryd, et al.
(2016) Ecosystem Services, 17 p.123-130
Journal articlePriority areas in municipality planning : Ecosystem services, environmental impact assessments and research areas
Thomas R. Palo, Karen Lagercrantz, Torleif Bramryd, Michael Johansson, Thomas Beery, et al.
(2016) One Ecosystem, 1
Journal articleDen Hållbara Skolstaden. Exempel på miljö- och energipedagogisk verksamhet och miljöstrategisk utvärdering av hållbar utveckling på gymnasieskolor.
Michael Johansson, Torleif Bramryd, Andreas Eriksson
(2013) Rapport till Energimyndigheten
ReportHousehold participation in Waste management – Environmental and strategic evaluation of good examples for source separation of waste fractions
Torleif Bramryd, Michael Johansson, Andreas Eriksson
(2013) Waste to Resources. Report to the INTERREG South Baltic programme
ReportDen Hållbara Skolstaden - Energieffektivisering och miljöarbete på gymnasieskolor i Helsingborg
Jan Kristoffersson, Janine af Klintberg, Torleif Bramryd, Michael Johansson, Andreas Eriksson
(2013) Rapport till Energimyndigheten
ReportDen Hållbara Skolstaden – En miljöstrategisk utvärdering av begreppet hållbar utveckling på gymnasieskolor
Torleif Bramryd, Michael Johansson, Andreas Eriksson
(2013) Rapport till Energimyndigheten, Stockholm
ReportOptimized biogas recovery and sequestration of long-lived organic carbon in landfills as a process to balance increased atmospheric CO2 concentrations.
Torleif Bramryd, Michael Johansson
(2012) Proceedings The ISWA World Solid Waste Conference, Florence, Italy, September 17-19
Conference paperAckumulering av metaller i vegetation på geotekniska askkonstruktioner
Kristian Hemström, Torleif Bramryd, Michael Johansson, Ola Wik
(2012) Avfall Sverige Rapport F2012:02
ReportNaturvärdesbedömning avseende del av Äsperöds 1:6, m.fl. ”Kiviks Musteri” (område mellan Kiviks Musteri och Stenshuvuds nationalpark), Simrishamns kommun, Skåne län.
Torleif Bramryd, Michael Johansson
(2012) Rapport till Kiviks Musteri
ReportSequestration of organic matter in MSW landfills. A process to balance anthropogenic CO2 emissions.
Torleif Bramryd, Michael Johansson
(2012) Proceedings Linneus Eco-Tech´12, Kalmar, Sweden, November 26-28 2012.
Conference paperLandfills as moderators for climate change based on a combination of enhanced biogas extraction and sequestration of remaining long-lived organic matter in the landfill
Torleif Bramryd, Michael Johansson
(2011) Proc. Thirteenth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, S. Margherita di Pula (Cagliari), Sardinia, Italy, 3-7 Oct 2011
Conference paperUtilization of incinerator slag during road construction and for remediation of landfill areas – heavy metal uptake in plant material as a potential limiting factor.
Torleif Bramryd, Michael Johansson
(2011) Proc. Thirteenth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, S. Margherita di Pula (Cagliari), Sardinia, Italy, 3-7 Oct 2011.
Conference paperLandfills as long-term sinks for organig carbon. An important parameter for reduction of global atmospheric CO2 concentrations
Torleif Bramryd, Michael Johansson
(2007) Kalmar ECO-TECH´07 conference, Kalmar 26-28 Nov 2007
Conference paperThe role of landfills asaccumulators of organig carbon to compensate for CO2 emissions to the atmosphere.
Torleif Bramryd, Michael Johansson, Gustav Tham
(2007) Proc. Eleventh International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, S. Margherita di Pula (Cagliari), Sardinia, Italy, 1-5Oct 2007.
Conference paperSlutrapport avseende uppbyggande av Miljöstrategi vid Lunds universitet, Campus Helsingborg
Torleif Bramryd, Michael Johansson
ReportUtredning angående spridning och eliminering av lukt från biologiska avfallsbehandlingsmetoder
Michael Johansson, Torleif Bramryd
ReportFörslag till framtida kollektivtrafikstrategi i Bjuvs kommun
Michael Johansson, Torleif Bramryd
ReportUtvärdering av Region Skånes Miljövårdsfond under den senaste 5-årsperioden
Michael Johansson
ReportMöjligheter till framtida uppehåll i Bjuv på sträckan Kristianstad – Helsingborg
Michael Johansson, Torleif Bramryd