CROCUS Podcast: Culture and Creativity Management
- Om organisering och ledning inom kultur och kreativa företag
I denna poddserie kan du lära dig mer om managementfrågor inom de kulturella och kreativa områdena. I en rad samtal med yrkesverksamma och studenter diskuteras aktuella frågor och utmaningar för verksamma inom kulturorganisationer och kreativa företag, och hur man arbetar med dessa.
I poddserien diskuteras samtida utmaningar vad gäller organisering och ledning inom kultur och kreativa företag med tidigare masterstudenter från institutionen för service management och tjänstevetenskap, med utgångspunkt i deras masteruppsatser. Yrkesverksamma inom området bjuds också in för att diskutera aktuella frågor som sällan diskuteras i media när det gäller det kulturella och kreativa området. På så sätt möjliggör podden en bredare diskussion av frågor av både samhälls- och forskningsintresse inom området kultur och kreativa företag.
Podden vänder sig till de som är intresserade av att lära sig mer om de kulturella och kreativa områdena, i synnerhet relaterade till management- och utvecklingsfrågor. Vi strävar efter att erbjuda något för både nuvarande och blivande studenter, forskare, beslutsfattare och yrkesverksamma inom det kulturella och kreativa området, men även en intresserad allmänhet.
S2 Episode 4: Less stress and more space – why artists go rural
In the fourth episode of the second season of the CCM podcast, we talk about why some artists choose to live in the countryside rather than in cities. The title of the episode is “Less stress and more space – why artists go rural”, and my guest is Aniesha Goeslina Hawaningrum, student 2021–2023 at the CCM specialization of the Master’s programme in Service Management at our department. The title of her Master’s thesis is “Unraveling the influencing factors behind urban-to-rural migration among artists in rural Skåne region”.
S2 Episode 3: The library as living room?
In the third episode of the second season of the CCM podcast, we will talk about artificial intelligence and artists’ views on AI and their professional work. The title of the episode is “The library as living room?”, and my guest in this episode is Lourdes Beltran, student 2021–2023 at the CCM specialization of the Master’s programme in Service Management at our department. The title of her thesis is “Living room or library? The roles of physical spaces in public libraries. A case study of Idé A, Drottninghög library in Helsingborg, Sweden”.
S2 Episode 2: Artificial Intelligence in the work of artists
Alina Dumea and Heejae Jun, students 2021–2023 at the Master’s specialisation in Culture and Creativity Management at the Department of Service Studies, Lund University, are guests in the second episode of the podcast’s second season. Our discussion evolves around the issue of artificial intelligence and the work of artists, based on their Master’s thesis entitled Pushing boundaries? Artists’ worldview in the AI era from a relational work perspective.
S2 Episode 1: Minority representation in film – dynamics and tensions
In the first episode of Season 2 of the Culture and Creativity Management podcast, Inês Martins and Janine Pröll, students 2021–2023 at the Master’s specialization with the same name talk about their Master’s thesis on representation of minorities in film. The title of their thesis is The representation of LGBTQ individuals in film: understanding tensions in the film industry.
S1 Episode 6: Beyond arts management – Entrepreneurship in the arts and the role of public policy
In the sixth episode of the Culture and Creativity Management podcast, we discuss arts management, cultural policy and entrepreneurship from an academic as well as an artistic point of view. Guests in this episode are Ruth Bereson, Founding Director and Affiliated Professor of the University at Buffalo Arts Management Program, Dan Shanahan, Executive Artistic Director for Torn Space Theater as well as Assistant Professor and Program Director of Entrepreneurship at Daemen University, Buffalo, NY, and Melissa Meola, Associate Director of Torn Space Theater, Buffalo, NY.
S1 Episode 5: Co-creation in digital startups
The topic of the fifth episode of the podcast is co-creation in digital startups. Fanny Esquivel and Hanna Melin, students 2019 – 2021 at the Culture and Creativity Management specialisation of the Master’s Programme in Service Management at Lund University, talked about the many simultaneous challenges of startups and about their own reflections on the work with the thesis and the study programme as a whole..
S1 Episode 4: Opera as tradition and innovation in times of Covid
In the fourth episode of the Culture and Creativity Management podcast Albert Montanez describes how the opera field had to rethink their purpose and ways of engaging with their audiences during the Covid-19 pandemic. The opera world is highly international, with opera singers many times travelling the world for engagements at different productions. The focus of opera houses on productions of classical masterpieces was questioned when indoors public events were suddenly forbidden, and audience consumption patterns when it comes to performing arts have changed with the pandemic. The title of the Master’s thesis is Improvisation and Creativity in Artistic Management in the opera field in the time of Covid-19 pandemic. An exercise of endurance during times of external crisis.
S1 Episode 3: Service innovation at cultural heritage sites in Times of Covid
In the third episode of the Culture and Creativity Management podcast Rebecca Mattsoff describes innovations at two open-air attractions in Helsingborg as a result of altered visitor profiles and behaviour due to the Covid pandemic in 2020. Rebecca talks about how the tourism destination work of the City of Helsingborg generated an opportunity to stop and reflect about visitor services both in the city at large and at cultural heritage venues.
S1 Episode 2: Innovation and digitalization of cultural heritage experiences
The second episode of the Culture and creativity management podcast has digital experiences in museums as its topic. A virtual reality experience at a museum in Malmö on the siege of the town in 1677 was offered to visitors in the summer of 2021. This experience was part of a Master’s thesis written by Thibault Geraudie and Marcio Filho, and they tell their story of the project and their plans to develop it into a business to host Katja Lindqvist.
S1 Episode 1: Innovation in library services – does it require a pandemic?
In the first episode of the Culture and creativity management podcast, the topic is innovation in the cultural field, and the effects of Covid-19 on innovation processes. Talking to Katja Lindqvist is Ruth Bedoya Lopez, one of the first group of students at the Culture and Creativity Management Master’s specialization at the department. Her master’s thesis in the spring of 2021 discussed innovation in Swedish libraries. Guests are also Eva Hveem, Librarian at Helsingborg public libraries, and Layla Husein, Service designer at the same library.
Programledare och skapare av podden är Katja Lindqvist. Hon är docent och universitetslektor och har under flera år drivit utvecklingen av masterinriktningen Culture and Creativity Management vid institutionen för service management och tjänstevetenskap vid Lunds universitet som startade 2019.
Epost: katja [dot] lindqvist [at] ses [dot] lu [dot] se (katja[dot]lindqvist[at]ses[dot]lu[dot]se )

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