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Carina Sjöholm.

Carina Sjöholm

Universitetslektor, docent

Carina Sjöholm.

Literary Tourism and the Branding of Places: An Expanding Market in Sweden


  • Carina Sjöholm

Summary, in English

I will present a study, concerning crime writer Henning Mankell, and his stories about chief inspector Kurt Wallander at the Ystad police department in southern Sweden. In a cooperation between the local Tourist Office and the film production company producing films based on the Mankell/Wallander stories, a concept has been developed where tourists are invited to follow a ”murder walk” in Ystad. During the walk they can experience the Wallander adventures, and there are also are possibilities to identify with the author – who lives in the neighborhood – and follow the creative process of the stories.

My study is ethnographic, dealing with tourism of experience, where the landscape is consumed by the tourist, often in a playful form, bringing out the corporeal qualities of the place. In this perspective emotion and emotionality are resources to be affirmed in a context of place marketing and a renegotiation of regional identity.


  • Avdelningen för etnologi
  • Institutionen för tjänstevetenskap








  • Social Sciences Interdisciplinary
  • Ethnology

Conference name

Creativity from a global perspective: An international conference on the creative industries, 2010

Conference date

2010-10-18 - 2010-10-20

Conference place

Fudan University, Shanghai, China

